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Astrological Services

Natal Chart

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This is the chart where it all begins – when you were born!

The position of the planets at the time and place of your birth provides a set of possibilities for your life when mapped out on the Natal Chart.

These include basic character strengths and weaknesses as well as your likely relationship with parents, siblings, spouses and children. Heaven is brought to earth as we consider your probable preferences for partners, career and housing as well as your sensitive health issues and your financial state concentrating on any areas which you feel are important at the time.

The consultation can either be in person or on Zoom and lasts between 60 and 90 minutes.  

If you don't know your time of birth please see Rectification below.

To book a consultation please click on Natal Chart in the shop.

Kabbalistic Natal Chart

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The Tree of Life is a diagram of existence with each of the ten circles (Sefirot) indicating an aspect of the Divine nature. The planets used in astrology correspond to these aspects and, when these are synthesised with our current understanding of psychology, many additional insights into our own character are possible. 

It is recommended that clients wanting to have this reading should be familiar with the principles of Kabbalah. An Introduction to Kabbalistic Astrology is also available.

The consultation can either be in person or on Zoom and lasts between 60 and 90 minutes.  

If you don't know your time of birth please see Rectification below.

To book a consultation please click on Kabbalistic Chart Reading in the shop.


Kabbalistic Chart Diagram



This diagram is included as part of the Kabbalistic Natal Chart above but is also available as a single item. If you subsequently purchase a Kabbalistic Natal Chart then the cost of the diagram will be credited against the cost of the Chart. 

The diagram is a useful aid to contemplation even if you are not familiar with Kabbalah.

If you don't know your time of birth please see Rectification below or you can purchase the chart using an estimated time with one planetary position omitted.

To view a full sized diagram click here.

To purchase your Diagram please click on Kabbalistic Chart Diagram in the shop and email me your time, place and date of birth so I can send you your Diagram.


Three Month Forecast


Old Globe


At the moment of birth each planet was at its most powerful in various locations which may not include the place where you were born. Visiting those locations - or even coming into contact with people from them - can help us to experience the qualities those planets represent more powerfully.

For example, if you are looking for a relationship then you need to know where Venus was at is most powerful and if you want to advance your career then look for the places where the Sun was at its most powerful. This reading can also help you to avoid potential trouble spots.

The consultation can either be in person or on Zoom and lasts around 60 minutes. This includes preparation of chart and maps and follow up by email.

Best results are obtained if you know your time of birth to within 30 minutes. If you don't know your time of birth please see Rectification below.

To book a consultation please click on Astrogeography in the shop.


The Year Ahead

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Much can change in the course of a single year.

As the seasons come and go it helps to know the months when you are going to have your best opportunities and the months when it is better to lie low and wait for a more propitious time. This reading will identify the specific dates when you should be on your best form as well as the dates for holding back from major initiatives.

We will also consider the major trends in your life for the next five years. Within both time frames we will take special note of areas about which you have particular concerns.

The consultation can either be in person or on Zoom and lasts between 60 and 90 minutes.  Follow up questions by phone or email are included in the price.

If you don't know your time of birth please see Rectification below.

To book a consultation please click on The Year Ahead in the shop.

Three Month Personal Forecast

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This reading drills down to the fine detail for the immediate future.

We will identify the specific days  when you are at your most creative and can make good decisions as well as the days when you are better to hold fire and wait for more favourable conditions.

These dates will be considered in the context of the longer term planetary factors which may be affecting you for a year or more. 

The consultation can either be in person or on Zoom and lasts between 30 and 45 minutes.  Follow up questions by phone or email are included in the price.

If you don't know your time of birth please see Rectification below.

To book a consultation please click on Three Month Personal Forecast in the shop.

Services Conact


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In order to provide an accurate astrological reading you need to have your time of birth available. If you do not have your birth time - at least to within the nearest hour - then it is possible to establish your time of birth based on the major events of your life and the basic astrological data of your closest family.

Major events include significant illnesses or accidents, marriages and divorces, death of close family, changes of residence and profession.

You will also need to provide a recent full length photograph of yourself as our physical characteristics can demonstrate important information about the position of the planets at the moment of birth.

A written report will be provided showing the astrological reasoning behind the rectified birth time. Please email to discuss before ordering,

Horary Questions

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If an answer is required to a specific question then this may be put to the astrologer who will interpret the chart set for the moment he or she understands the question - the Horary Chart.

Not all questions are capable of being answered and certain conditions should exist within the chart to prevent the astrologer from giving an incorrect judgement.

If you would like to ask a question please email it to me and I will let you know if the question can be answered. If it can be answered then I will give you a written judgement with astrological reasoning to support my answer.

No charge is made if the question can not be answered.

Birth details of the person asking the question are not required although they may be supplied for interest as there are often connections to the Horary Chart.

Click here to see more about Horary Astrology

Three Month General Forecast

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This is available as a digital download and consists of a written forecast plus tables showing the major planetary positions and aspects for the next three months. This is a forecast of the general conditions which affect everyone and are not specific to any one person's chart. 

The forecast can be used to even greater advantage if you are familiar with your own chart. Alternatively, you can use this General Forecast in conjunction with the Three Month Personal Forecast above to gain greater clarity about your prospects in the next quarter of the year.



Birth Chart Essentials

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A twenty minute reading designed as a taster and an introduction to your own astrological profile.

We will look at the zodiac position of the sun and moon when you were born and how they influence the way you act and react as well as your major strengths and biggest challenges.

This information is designed to help you focus on those activities which are the most rewarding as well as giving you the basic tools to improve your relationships with those closest to you. 

Using our freewill is also a critical component in getting the best out of our lives.

Time of birth is preferable but not essential.

Click here to book a consultation or email me to discuss further.

Please email me to discuss the possibility of other work including:


Compatibility for Couples

This covers partners in a marriage or similar relationship as well as parent/child, siblings and employer/employee.

Group Compatibility

Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of a group whether in a business or non-business setting.

Election Charts

Finding the best time to start a business or make a major change to it.


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